Would you like to touch our yarn in person? Check out these lovely shops!

KnitWit | Portland, Maine
Wool & Honey | Cedar, Michigan
New York
Brooklyn General | New York, New York
Lift Bridge Yarns | Fairport, New York
North Carolina
Freeman’s Creative | Durham, North Carolina
The Salty Sheep | Swansboro, North Carolina
Forever Yarn | Doylestown, Pennsylvania
Dances with Wool | Midlothian, Virginia {Our LYS}
Center of the Yarniverse | Ashland, Virginia {our other LYS}
Baa Baa Sheep | Norfolk, Virginia
EWE fine fiber goods | Charlottesville, Virginia
fibre space | Alexandria, Virginia
Online Only
Would you like to make a Wholesale inquiry or want information about our available trunk shows? Contact Aimee here.